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We're back with A to C with Nowhere to B. We are setting off on an epic trip from Slovenia, and need to make to the Netherlands in 5 days. We've got a Eurail pass and no plans. YOU will help plan our trip as we go, and we will report in LIVE each day from a new location chosen by you. Round Two is underway!

Welcome back to A to C with Nowhere to B. This week: ELIMINATION ROUND! Find out which countries were eliminated and which ones are still in the MIX! *Important Vote* this episode. If you're just tuning in, we are setting off on an epic trip from Slovenia, and need to make to the Netherlands in 5 days.

Hey travel lovers! We are setting off on an epic trip from Slovenia, and need to make to the Netherlands in 5 days. We've got a Eurail pass and no plans. YOU will help plan our trip as we go, and we will report in LIVE each day from a new location chosen by you.

When you live in Los Angeles funny things happen, like one day you go on The Price is Right and win a 15-day cruise, and next you’re transiting the Panama Canal on a Princess Cruise ship.

Sometimes it's best not to know what you're about to get yourself into. I was told I was running down a sand dune. I figured that would be a crazy five minutes and some dusty shoes.

After three weeks in Salta, Argentina, I’ve got the low down for you on all the FAQs that usually come up. I’ve designed these travel tips to be at-a-glance for you and even created a downloadable guide if you want to save it to your phone!

So, guys, I hope you're happy with this video of me bouncing across the tundra, avoiding crashing a 437-ton (not scientifically proven) vehicle full of people. Filmed on a smartphone with Gorilla Glass, which is good because I dropped it like six times on this ride alone when we hit hardcore embankments and it...

There are a few places on Earth that challenge your perception of what you know about this planet. Salta Argentina is one of them. Sometimes I felt like I must be on Mars. Orange-red mountains perched above purple mountains, fine-boned woolly creatures who appeared only once we climbed past the clouds...

Salta, Argentina is as remote as it is stunning. From the high altitude salt flats to the rainbow-colored ravines Salta, Argentina is a day-trippers dream. Watch my video for a sense of what the region is like, or if you want to be wowed by my robot dance moves.

Salta, Argentina, in the far north of the country is a relaxed, safe, colonial town that felt surprisingly homey. I walked most places and felt welcomed at every shop, restaurant and bar, even though my Spanish was often limited to an embarrassing twenty some-odd words.

Only 4 Spots Left on the Croatia 2024 Tour --->