Posts Tagged ‘Quebec’

“I just called a guy to put on his bear suit.” Such is the sense of humor of Derek, our guide tonight to watch black bears in their natural Canadian...

I wasn’t nervous until I completed reading the waiver. “Why do you need to know if I have any allergies?” I ask Derek, our guide. “This is so the...

“Squirrel! Incoming!” I yelled up at my friend Rachel who called dibs on the loft bed of our tree house. Our cozy cabin perched or hung, or however it...

During my amazing Canadian road trip, I was super lucky to get a hot tip on a goat farm. My friends Rachel and Stephanie and I stopped in at the Chevrier du...

“I feel like a Druid, searching for herbs, creating things.” Nathalie Thibault puts what looks like a teeny pinecone in front of me. We’re in the packed...

Cold air brushed the hairs on my neck. It was New Orleans in February. But I was also standing in front of a haunted one-hundred-year-old French-style hotel....

Only 4 Spots Left on the Croatia 2024 Tour --->